Saturday, January 5, 2013

Retro Video Game Collection

So this is a blog about my ever growing video game collection. I currently live in Japan as you might have assumed by the title. I try to buy a lot of video games but a good prices and I would like so share what I have picked up so far. I'm going to start with my favorite video game EVER. Which is Snatcher for the for Sega CD, which I don't happen to own. I do own several other copies so here is the collection of Cyber Punk related Games. Well since I'm mentioning Snatcher and of course Policenauts I should just show the small Metal Gear collection I have. So I guess this is a Hideo Kojima collection. So here we go.

This is the PC-Engine Super CDrom System 2 Pilot Disk. The Pilot Disk that has a trailer for the game that is about 8:30 minutes long, it is pretty cool to watch if you have played the game already. If you have not played the game it may ruin some aspects of it by showing how gets shot or who is a Snatcher.

I also have the Snatch CDrom Sound Clip too. The Sound Clip has a couple of short stories about Gillian on it. I'm still looking for the sound track at a good price.

This is the PC Engine Super CDrom System 2 Version. I'm missing the Manga that come with it, it's a manual much like the green one but comes in a pinkish color. Still had the original Stickers and everything was in great shape. This is a really good copy it has Act 3 unlike the previous non CD versions of the game. The graphics were enhanced because of the capability of the Super CDrom System 2.

This is the Sega Saturn Version which has CG Animation, censored and updated graphics and a remixed sounds track not too bad but I like the original Sega CD version sounds track better. It's a good looking game I wish the kept a version of the original Sega CD version on the disk.

I'm still trying to get all the cards but I'm trying to buy them at a fair price. I framed the ones I have a had another 9 framed buy my daughter destroyed the frame when she got a hold of it.

This is the 3DO version of the Pilot Disk. It has a lot of information about the game. Trailers, you can play a portion of the game. It also has Soundtrack 10 songs if I remember right, Storyboards and even an encyclopedia. I really nice teaser for the full game.

This is the 3DO version. It added animated cut-scenes along CG animation and redrawn graphics. Released in 1995 I think if this we released for the 3DO in America along with a price drop could have helped the 3DO. I a 3DO for like 2000 yen and I'm pretty happy with it. Road Rash is amazing on it.

This is the Sega Saturn Version which in my option is the best. It is contained on 3 disk vice 2 like the PS and 3DO versions. It was the last version to be released in the fall of 1996. The Sega Saturn Version also supported the Virtua Gun Light Gun.

The Sega Saturn version came with a small hard bound art book and other stuff in it. Best version as the PlayStation version has crappy video. I'm looking for the PlayStation version but I don't want to pay what the are asking at Super Potato. 

I know is not a Hideo Kojima game but Cyper Punk none the less. If you want to play this game you should look for the DOS version. It's pretty good and I got it for only 20 yen which is like 25 cents. If anybody wants one just let me know I can pick one up next time I'm up there.

Here are some Metal gear games that i have.

This is the GameCube copy of Metal Gear the original one for the NES or Famicon I suppose, that was ported over. It was released with a Premium Packaged GameCube which included Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes, Memorandum book which had sketches and photos and this Metal Gear Special Disk. It's actually and Emulated version of the Famicom version.

 Here is a copy of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty it came with a cardboard outer sleeve.

This is pretty cool it has a revisable DVD cover this is the other side, I personally like this one better.

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